November 14, 2009 - January 3, 2010 Ellarslie, the Trenton City Museum, Cadwalader Park off Parkside Avenue, Trenton, First Floor Main Galleries |
November 14, 2009 - January 3, 2010 Ellarslie, the Trenton City Museum, Cadwalader Park off Parkside Avenue, Trenton, First Floor Main Galleries |
Meta-More-Faces, an exhibition featuring photographs by Ricardo Barros, Ilya Genin, Neil Larsen and Andrew Wilkinson and curated by photographer/author Jon Naar, opens with a reception January 9 (6-9 pm) and will remain up through February 21, 2010 (11 Everett Alley/on Stockton St, Trenton, N.J.). For more information, visit the ARTWORKS website.
Are you going to be in NYC over the holidays? If you have a chance, consider checking out the lovely new Poets House, located in Battery Park City at 10 River Terrace (at Murray Street). Opening on December 2, through January 15, 2010, they’ll be displaying “Robert Frost’s Annual Christmas Cards” -- “...beautiful, illustrated chapbooks of Frost’s poetry” that the poet and his publishers sent out as holiday greetings for almost 30 years. (For directions, click here.)
Poets House is closed December 24, 25 & 26, 2009 and January 1 & 2, 2010.
In 1926, 28-year-old Joe Blumenthal founded The Spiral Press with a partner, George Hoffman. For Christmas in 1929, Blumenthal printed an illustrated chapbook of Robert Frost poems to send out as the holiday greeting from himself and Henry Holt and Company (one of Frost’s printers.) All 275 copies were sent out before they realized that none had been sent to the poet, himself. (Frost insisted that the printer retrieve a half dozen for his own Christmas list!)
Spiral Press was hit hard during the Depression. Blumenthal closed shop and lived in Europe for several years where he designed a new font type (Emerson). He returned to the US in late 1933, settling just north of NYC in Croton Falls, NY, and started up Spiral Press with a small handpress, quickly reestablishing his reputation as a master printer. Each Christmas from 1934 through 1962, Spiral Press printed - in collaboration with Robert Frost this time!!! - new illustrated chapbooks of Frost poems.
It’s that time, again: fine crafts shows popping just when you need them. But, trust me, make your plans to check them out now, because these shows are like winter flowers: beautiful, unique -- and gone almost as soon as they appear! Keep in mind that many, if not most, of these artisan-based shows accept only cash and checks -- Here’s your chance to keep the holidays CitiBank- and AmEx-free!
The 36th annual Transformations show is at the Hopewell Train Station (Railroad Place and Greenwood Avenue) this weekend, Sat. 14 (10am-5pm) and Sun 15 (11am-5pm).
Featured artists/artisans include:
Connie Bracci McIndoe pottery and jewelry
Jo Freud fabric art on annealed wire
Bob Greenblatt turned wood
Carol Krickus elegant balsam pillows
Ken McIndoe ceramic tiles
Mar tha Mulford Dreswick baskets
Susan Nadelson hand spun and dyed wool
Christine Rist contemporar y jackets
Sally Stang jewelry and pressed flowers
Piroska Toth felting
Gail Trautz felting
Annelies van Dommelen heirloom archival boxes
Pat White & Isa Vogel weaving
Ellie Wyeth floor cloths, placemats, notecards
The End of the Road artist and craft show, at 25 Rock Road (off of Quarry Road) - a historic farm house in Lambertville, NJ - takes place Saturday and Sunday next weekend, Nov. 21 and 22, from 10am - 5 pm each day.
Piroska, Sally and Anneliies will be at this show, too, along with:
Judy Tobie paper vessels
Deborah Cyr fabric collage
Jeanne Walton elegant clothing
Chris Darway wearable sculpture
Martha Mulford Dreswick basket maker
Hanneke deNeve children's clothing, knits
Amy Whitney maiolica pots, wool duvets, roving
There will also be demonstrations of basketmaking, spinning, knitting, cider and donuts, and homemade soup. For information on End of the Road, you can email yates28@verizon.net
And the Covered Bridge Artisans are inviting visitors into their home studios November 27, 28 & 29th (10 am - 5 pm) for their Fifteenth Annual Holiday Studio Tour. The studios are located in and around scenic Stockton, NJ. For directions and a link to a self-guided map, click here.
In addition to the fine art paintings, stained glass, metal sculpture, and ceramics featured in the artist studios (The Art Colony studio (Prallsville Mill), Long Lane Farm, Sunflower Glass Studio, Swan Street Studio, and Moorland Studios), you’ll also find hand made jewelry, leather goods, ceramics, sculpture, yarn and other items offered by invited guests who will be set up in The Locktown Stone Church.
Whichever (or all!) of these 3 shows you visit, whether in Hopewell, Lambertville or Stockton, in addition to meeting some terrific artists and having the opportunity to purchase some wonderful one-of-a-kind gifts (yes, it can still be a gift if you buy it for yourself!) you’re also getting the chance to spend time in a beautiful part of NJ and possibly visit some lovely, historic buildings - all at the same time.
At Morpeth Contemporary Gallery
Hopewell, NJ
Opening Reception: this Saturday, November 7, 6 - 8 pm
Marc-Antoine Goulard
Gallerist Ruth Morpeth opens a one-man exhibit by French artist/musician Marc-Antoine Goulard this weekend, and the preview images are compelling (although I have to ask: has this man studied with Pat Martin, too???!!!) Goulard, an abstract painter, was schooled as a classical musician, studying the flute at the Conservatoire de Musique in Paris as well as saxophone and jazz composition at the Berklee School of Music in Boston, but says, "...it is in painting that I found my voice."
Goulard has had shows in commercial galleries in New York, Los Angeles, and Paris, and in shows at the United Nations, the French Institute, and Columbia University in New York. In 2006, he was an artist in residence at the Joseph and Anni Albers Foundation in New Haven.
Monsters Ball
Artworks' Halloween Party Fundraiser
Friday, October 30
...8 pm til the wolves howl!!!!!!!!!!
Here's what's on tap for the night: “Artworks' unique, soaring space will be decked out in its scariest finery, courtesy of Fannelli Design Group, the lighting designers who did the magical lighting of the Museum of Contemporary Science for Art All Night.
“A delicious spread of food, as well as beer, wine (ID required at the door) and other non-alcoholic beverages will be available. Outside, creatures of all sorts can gather around the fires lit in giant steel tikis and steel wire firebowls created by artists Glenn Moore and Peter Abrams.”
Outside in the ARTWORKS’ parking lot, Trenton’s own “Thriller Dancers” help set the tone as they join groups worldwide in reenacting the entire 14 minute dance from Michael Jackson's 1983 Thriller music video. (If you know the routine, and are in ghoulish costume, join in!) Throughout the night you will also be dancing to the evil sounds of DJ Maddtronix; making-your-own scary art project; thrilling to professionally told ghost stories; watching classic scary movies playing all night long, including Nosferatu and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre; and entering costume contest (the winner gets six free art classes at Artworks or two months use of its shared studio space.)
Michael Gumpert's so committed to making this event special, he's having plastic surgery to complete his costume. You'll get to witness the grand unveiling at the party. Tickets are $10 (costume required! and buy your own drinks after the first), $45, and $75. For full information, and to buy tickets now, visit the ARTWORKS website or call them at 609-394-9436.
If you prefer to exorcise your inner demons from the comfort of your own home, consider creating an entry for ARTWORKS’ Monsters’ Ball Poster Contest. ARTWORKS’ executive director, Michael Gumpert, invites artists of all ages to try to “Terrorize the competition with your talent” in designing the poster for ARTWORKS' 2010 Monsters’ Ball Halloween Party Fundraiser! The winning poster will be selected by guests at this year's party. (NOTE: Participants are encouraged but not required to attend the party.) For rules and information on the contest, click here.