Midori Yoshimoto, Gallery Director at the NJ City University, will be curating a show for the Arts Council of the Morris Area’s Gallery (14 Maple (Morristown, NJ; on the 3rd floor of the new "green" Dodge Foundation building). The exhibit, “Emerging Patterns” has a 6 month run (February 15, 2010 – August 11, 2010), so be sure that the work you enter can be available for that full time period.
This show is open to all artists working in any medium who live or work in New Jersey. There is a limit of 5 submissions per artist. All accepted work must be professionally presented and ready for installation or hanging (by wire or D-rings). Artists may be required to supply pedestals for 3D work. Midori Is especially looking for works that include any kind of patterns recognized and manifested by artists. She will, however, be working with a committee who will have some input into the final selection.
REQUIRED MATERIALS: Images (see below for presentation requirements), artist’s statement about the works submitted, up-to-date one page resume or c.v., and attached Submission Form with the Object List section fully completed including for each image submitted, the title, year of work, medium, size (H x W x D), weight, value for insurance purposes, and whether the work is for sale.
DEADLINE for SUBMISSIONS: Artwork shall be submitted by e-mail to kbecker@morrisarts.org in the form of jPEG images (resolution of 300 dpi). JPEGS must be named as follows: artistsname_titleofwork.jpg. Deadline is Tuesday, November 24, 2009 at 5 p.m.; no exceptions.
For additional information, email Karin Becker at kbecker@morrisarts.org
REQUIRED MATERIALS: Images (see below for presentation requirements), artist’s statement about the works submitted, up-to-date one page resume or c.v., and attached Submission Form with the Object List section fully completed including for each image submitted, the title, year of work, medium, size (H x W x D), weight, value for insurance purposes, and whether the work is for sale.
DEADLINE for SUBMISSIONS: Artwork shall be submitted by e-mail to kbecker@morrisarts.org in the form of jPEG images (resolution of 300 dpi). JPEGS must be named as follows: artistsname_titleofwork.jpg. Deadline is Tuesday, November 24, 2009 at 5 p.m.; no exceptions.
For additional information, email Karin Becker at kbecker@morrisarts.org
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