It’s that time, again: fine crafts shows popping just when you need them. But, trust me, make your plans to check them out now, because these shows are like winter flowers: beautiful, unique -- and gone almost as soon as they appear! Keep in mind that many, if not most, of these artisan-based shows accept only cash and checks -- Here’s your chance to keep the holidays CitiBank- and AmEx-free!
The 36th annual Transformations show is at the Hopewell Train Station (Railroad Place and Greenwood Avenue) this weekend, Sat. 14 (10am-5pm) and Sun 15 (11am-5pm).
Featured artists/artisans include:
Connie Bracci McIndoe pottery and jewelry
Jo Freud fabric art on annealed wire
Bob Greenblatt turned wood
Carol Krickus elegant balsam pillows
Ken McIndoe ceramic tiles
Mar tha Mulford Dreswick baskets
Susan Nadelson hand spun and dyed wool
Christine Rist contemporar y jackets
Sally Stang jewelry and pressed flowers
Piroska Toth felting
Gail Trautz felting
Annelies van Dommelen heirloom archival boxes
Pat White & Isa Vogel weaving
Ellie Wyeth floor cloths, placemats, notecards
The End of the Road artist and craft show, at 25 Rock Road (off of Quarry Road) - a historic farm house in Lambertville, NJ - takes place Saturday and Sunday next weekend, Nov. 21 and 22, from 10am - 5 pm each day.
Piroska, Sally and Anneliies will be at this show, too, along with:
Judy Tobie paper vessels
Deborah Cyr fabric collage
Jeanne Walton elegant clothing
Chris Darway wearable sculpture
Martha Mulford Dreswick basket maker
Hanneke deNeve children's clothing, knits
Amy Whitney maiolica pots, wool duvets, roving
There will also be demonstrations of basketmaking, spinning, knitting, cider and donuts, and homemade soup. For information on End of the Road, you can email yates28@verizon.net
And the Covered Bridge Artisans are inviting visitors into their home studios November 27, 28 & 29th (10 am - 5 pm) for their Fifteenth Annual Holiday Studio Tour. The studios are located in and around scenic Stockton, NJ. For directions and a link to a self-guided map, click here.
In addition to the fine art paintings, stained glass, metal sculpture, and ceramics featured in the artist studios (The Art Colony studio (Prallsville Mill), Long Lane Farm, Sunflower Glass Studio, Swan Street Studio, and Moorland Studios), you’ll also find hand made jewelry, leather goods, ceramics, sculpture, yarn and other items offered by invited guests who will be set up in The Locktown Stone Church.
Whichever (or all!) of these 3 shows you visit, whether in Hopewell, Lambertville or Stockton, in addition to meeting some terrific artists and having the opportunity to purchase some wonderful one-of-a-kind gifts (yes, it can still be a gift if you buy it for yourself!) you’re also getting the chance to spend time in a beautiful part of NJ and possibly visit some lovely, historic buildings - all at the same time.
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