This is only the third performance -- and the Trenton premiere -- of this two act, two-musician improvisational opera by Wilbo Wright. Set in the unspecified future, it tells the tragic story of two brothers, Damthesnes ('damn these knees') and Hildago, who happily run a business that is “a sort of clearing house for happiness in the age of interdimensional relationships” until Damthesnes falls in love with a computer icon. Problems of operatic proportions arise with plenty of betrayal, deaths, and hand-wringing. Two musicians (in this case, Wilbo on multi-instruments and Eric Haltmeier on reeds and multi-instruments) work with a loose, but predetermined palette of sounds that portray the story line and characters. There are, however, no words, no singing, and no bad acting. For an article featuring Damthesnes, click here.
8:30PM - 12AM - ONLY $5! The Mill Hill Saloon is located at 300 S. Broad St. at the corner of Broad and Market in Trenton, NJ. 609-394-7222
TAG Night at the Mill Hill Basement takes place on the first Wednesday of the month and is curated and produced by Wilbo Wright. It's a labor of love and some of the coolest performances you'll ever see in this area -- for only a fin!
This was a fantastic show! Damthesnes delivered once again, and Jack Wright's trio did things with woven lines of atonality that would suddenly CLICK!!! into these astonishing harmonies. Actually, magical.