Capital Health, scheduled to open a new 540,000-square-foot hospital on Scotch Road, Hopewell Township, NJ, seeks art from regional artists to help promote an environment of health and healing.
Capital Health seeks to identify a broad range of art reflective of the talent found in communities surrounding the new hospital. Art of all media will be installed throughout the hospital. The hospital will both purchase existing work and identify artists from whom site-specific work will be commissioned.
Artwork of all mediums and of any scale will be considered, including: mural work, sculpture, tapestry, glassware, stain-glass, ceramic, woodwork, photography, printmaking, multi-media, furniture, water features and painting.
Deadline for submission: August 15, 2009.
To be considered, three examples of the artist's work must be sent to Lin Swensson at lin@swensson-art.com. For each image please include a description of each work, its size, the material used and a price range.
Additionally, please include a biography or resume as well the following information: education, past commissioned works, shows or any professional awards or affiliations. Make sure to include artist contact information including: name, phone numbers, postal address and email address.
Questions may be directed to:
Lin Swensson, Lin Swensson and Associates, Inc. at 615.945.2895.
I've heard Capital Health is asking artists to give up their copyrights.