Thanks to Annelies van Dommelen for the timely reminder that this weekend is the last chance for visitors to check out the FREE self-guided Elephants Eye art studio tour in Bucks County.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Caravan of Art this weekend
Thanks to Annelies van Dommelen for the timely reminder that this weekend is the last chance for visitors to check out the FREE self-guided Elephants Eye art studio tour in Bucks County.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
40 Years of Mercer Artists
Art Among The Flowers!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Creative Demonstration
Thursday, May 13, 2010
ARTWORKS Gambles on Its Future

Friday, May 7, 2010
Let's Get Whimsical
Exhibit Title: “Whimsy”
Exhibition dates: September 1, 2010 – February 9, 2011
SALES: The Arts Council of the Morris Area will retain a 20% commission on any work that is sold during the exhibit.
June 11 Submission deadline
August 20 Delivery of accepted work (10 am - 4 pm)
August 21 Delivery of accepted work (8:30 – 10 AM ONLY)
February 9 Exhibit closes
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Hanging it Out for the World (ok...Somerset County) to See

"24 Hours in Franklin Township"
July 2nd, 2010 - 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Rain date July 10th, 2010
Entry form must be submitted no later than June 20th, 2010
No entry fee. Open to all artists who live, work & visit Somerset County
Artists may enter a maximum of 6 matted 2-D original works on paper or canvas, no frames. Works must be able to hang easily on a clothesline. Bring clothespins or clips to hang your images. Artists are responsible for their artwork throughout the show, so bringing lawn chairs is recommended.
Juror: Idaherma Williams Artistic Director Clothesline Exhibition, Artist, printmaker, MFA University of Pennsylvania, BFA University of the Arts, woodblock print artist, work in many public and private collections the US, Canada, England, Japan Spain & Australia and other countries.
Name: ______________________________________
Address: ____________________________________
Phone: _________________
e-mail: _________________
Number of pieces to be displayed (max. 6) ________
Matted Sizes: _________________________________
Release Clause: I give Franklin Township in Somerset County permission to display and photograph my artwork for publicity of this and future township events. The work remains the property of the artist. Franklin Township in Somerset County will not be involved in any sales of artwork that may occur between the artist and potential buyer.
Signature: _________________________
Date: __________
Entry form should be mailed no later than June 20th to:
Clothesline Exhibition, Clerks Office
Franklin Township Municipal Complex, 475 DeMott Lane,
Somerset NJ 08873-7700
Or e-mailed to: Idaherma Williams, Artistic Director,
Photographers Welcome!

Call for Entries
Deadline June 15
Juried Photographic Exhibition
July 9- August 8 Opening Reception July 9: 6-8 PM
Gallery 14 invites artists working in all photographic media to submit works for a juried photographic exhibition which will be held July 9-August 8 at Gallery 14, 14 Mercer Street, Hopewell, NJ. Current members of Gallery 14 may NOT participate.
Judge: Kenneth Kaplowitz, Professor of Art at TCNJ (39 years), where he was Photography Coordinator for 21 years. He has a BA, Montclair University, an MA (Television and Film) from NYU, and an MFA (Sculpture and Studio Art) from Rutgers University. His photographic work appeared in two photography text books as well as 40 one-person exhibitions.
Submission Guidelines
1. Include 1.) cover sheet with the artist's name, home address, phone number and email address, 2.) a brief biography/resume, 3.) a numbered list of the photographs submitted, a CD with up to 5 JPEG images (4" x 6" at 300 dpi) (no other forms of submissions will be considered). Be sure to write your name on the CD.
2. The numbered list of titles of the photographs must correspond exactly in number and name with those on the CD. Please use the following format for titling your electronic files: your name_ number_ photo title_ framed dimensions_year created. For example : SmithJ_1_Evening on the River_16x20_2007.
3. Mail submissions to Gallery 14, 14 Mercer Street, Hopewell, NJ 08525. All submissions must include an entry fee of $20, check payable to Gallery 14. You may also drop off your submission packet to the gallery during our regular hours: Saturdays and Sundays, noon to 5 pm. Please include a stamped self-addressed envelope if you wish to have your CD returned.
Entrants will be notified of the juror’s decision by email after June 22. Photographs selected for exhibit must be brought to the Gallery ready for hanging on July 5 and 6 between 1-3 and 6-8 PM. Size of framed prints must correspond exactly to the size stated in your submission—no exceptions. Gallery 14 will make every reasonable effort to protect your work while it is in our possession, but is not legally responsible for it. Insure your work individually if that is a concern. The Gallery retains a 30% commission of work sold while on display there. For further information check the gallery's website (, call Tasha O’Neill at 609 865 5456, or e-mail
Show Show Closes/Pickup of work August 8: 5 PM – 8 PM
Art Spring

Songwriting, drawing, jewelry making (chain maille), intro to pastels, and ways to drastically improve your guitar playing are among the workshops being offered beginning May 22 through June 6 by the West Windsor Arts Council. Even while their working hard towards opening the WW Arts Center at the beautifully renovated Princeton Junction Firehouse, the folks at WWAC continue to bring professionally taught art opportunities to regional adults and teenagers. For full information, click on the Arts Workshops Spring 2010 icon on their website.
Until the WW Arts Center officially opens its doors in September 2010, these weekend workshops will take place at the West Windsor Senior Center in the West Windsor Municipal Complex, 271 Clarksville Road, West Windsor.
Natural Formations

Commune, 2009, black granite
Sculptor Ayami Aoyama is exhibiting her remarkable work outdoors at the James A. Michener Art Museum’s Outdoor Sculpture Program March 20 through June 27, 2010. A quote on her card reads:
‘“Eight million gods dwell in everything” is a Japanese proverb that sculptor Ayami Aoyama honors through her carved stone sculptures. For her, all natural materials have their own spirit and she seeks to reveal that elemental life force through the work. Her marble and granite sculptures suggest both figurative forms and landscape in a style that is both minimal and abstract.’
The Museum is located at 138 South Pine Street, Doylestown, PA. Their number is 215-340-9800. Click here for their website.