Friday, July 9, 2010


Tonight is the opening reception for "The First 40..." -- a retrospective exhibition of works from Mercer County's permanent collection. About 170 works will be on display, spanning the 40 years since the County's Cultural and Heritage Commission was first established in 1970. Less than 1/2 of the work collected over the years is on display, and artists are inquiring: "Is my piece included?" Below is the list of artists included in THIS exhibit. We, of course, hope to do more in the future!

The exhibit takes place at ARTWORKS, 19 Everett Alley in Trenton, NJ, tonight, July 9, from 6 - 9 pm. (The terrific ARTWORKS center is located just off of Rte. 1 South (the Market Street exit), directly across Stockton Street from the state's DMV building. This is a "see and be seen event", so we hope to "see" you all there!

R. Albe

Aprilette Angster

Joanne Augustine

Angela A. Barbalace

Cynthia Bearce-Maffini

Kevin Berry

Anne Bevan

Jacqui Bonavito

Valerie Bowe

John Boyd

Katrina Brooks

Robert Bruschini

Patrick Budd

Marek Bulaj

Jean Burdick

Thomas Butterfoss

Jennifer Cadoff

Karen Tozzi Caldwell

Marcello Calo

Carl J. Carter

Robert J Cartica

Linda J. Catano

Marge Chavoosian

Elizabeth Childs

Sue Chiu

Vicky Chu Moy

Lou (L.D.) Cicchini

James Claussen

Anthony (Toj) Colavita

James Alan Colman

Susan A. Cook

Catherine DeChico

Anne Demarais

Sergey Demo

Fame P. Dileo

Marguerite Doernbach

Mary Dolan

Joanne Donnelly Seglem

Carol Drummond

Debra J. Duke

Robert Ellis

John Emerick

Jeff Epstein

Susan Ezzo

Matt Farkas

Judy Fillipponi

Barbara Fine

Eric Fowler

Gerald J. Fowler

Stuart Goldstein

M. Jay Goodkind

Ruth Goodman

Jonnylee R. Gore

Cathy Stein Greenblat

Judith B. Gross

Beth Gross

Jack F. Harris

Deborah Hockstein

Eileen Hohmuth

Edward Holman

Shari Holmes

Sue M. Howard

Ilse Johnson

Margaret Kennard Johnson

K. Jones

Ken Kaplowitz

Jules Katz

Ruth A. Kaufman

Robert Kausch

Judy Kaye

Joseph Kazimierczyk

Scott Keidong

Jody Kendall

Ron Kernast

Ken Kishler

Karen J. Kominsky

Lorraine Kudelka

Renee Kumar

Jane Lawrence

Martin Levine

Jean Purdy Lindabury

Michael Littwin

Susan Luty

Christopher MacKinnon

Thomas (Tom) Malloy

David Manion

Janet Marie

Coleen Marks

Bill Mathesius

Deirdre McGrail

Terri McNichol

Laura McPhee

Lucy Graves McVicker

Marge Miccio

Robin Middleman

Arlene Gale Milgram

Ruane Miller

John Monahan

Florence Moonan

Jennifer Moore

Quentin Moseley

Hiroshi Murata

Tom Murphy

Jere Myrick

Susan Neider

Cynthia Neilssen-Nihart

Joanne Nestor

Beverly S. Nickel

Trena Noval

George Olexa

Emerald Ong

Dave Orban

Frances Orlando

Shirley Kane Orr

Will Ostergaard

Lauren Otis

Joan Pachuta

Miquel Pagliere

Larry Parsons

Ted Peck

William S. Plank, Jr.

Mircea Popescu

Shelley Rae Powsner

Theresa Prashad

Bonnie Christine Randall

Lorraine Raywood

Thalia Richman

Steve Richman

Bruce Rigby

Howard Rosenfeld

Liz Roszel

Gary Saretzky

Gary & Nicholas Saretzky

Marilyn Scasserra

Jules Schaeffer

Sandra Shapiro

Deirdre Sheean

Madelaine Shellaby

M. Teresa Simao

David Simchock

Frank Simons

Leah Sinkus

Michael Alan Smith

David Smith

Chris Stadelmeier

Jessica Stearns

Marie Sturken

Lynn Sulpy

Heidi Summers

Robert Sussna

Deborah Sussna

Judy Tobie

Susan Twardas

Mary Vaughan

Martha Vaughn

Steven Veach

Sharie A. Verdu

Edward Ward

Mary Ann Weisser

Karen Winner

Anne Lord Witt

Taj Worley

Phyllis Wright

Holly Wright

Ingeburg Wurzler

Al Zima

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Post-Fire Works Plans!

After the sizzle, bright lights and explosions of this July 4th weekend, you may want to cleanse your "audial palate" with some free singer-songwriter fare. BT's (Bobby Trigg's) Bistro has just the thing: an intimate evening of singer-songwriters starting at 9 pm on Tuesday, July 6th. The line up includes Chris HarfordClemens KnieperJohanna Warren, and Christina Ward.

BT Bistro is located at 3499 Route 1. South, next to the Clarion Palmer Inn in Princeton, NJ (just south of the Princeton Marketfair.) 

Part Time Director Needed to Keep the Music Playing

TRENTON COMMUNITY MUSIC SCHOOL seeks a part time School Director to begin working on August 15, 2010. Salary for this 16 hour a week position is $16,000 a year. 

Current locations: Wessel Hall of Blessed Sacrament Church, 716 Bellevue Ave., Trenton and the Copeland Center, 520 Chestnut Avenue, Trenton


Establish and maintain good relationships with faculty, staff, clients, vendors and landlord.      
Responsible for opening and closing two school sites.
Schedule teachers and substitutes, assign tasks to office staff and volunteers, keep accurate timesheets.
Maintain physical plant and office machinery.
Maintain instruments as needed.
Purchase books, reeds, strings, etc. for teaching and supplies for the office as needed. 
Register and schedule students; keep accurate records of attendance and makeups.
Collect and keep accurate records of tuition and other payments; make timely bank deposits. 
Create and distribute announcements to parents.
Assist Executive Director to plan and execute 5 recitals a year. 
Ensure regular cleaning of office and teaching studios.

Education: A college degree in a relevant curriculum is a plus.   In some cases, extensive music teaching and/or performance experience may substitute for formal educational credentials.

Office experience required:   Must be able to confidently run/use the following equipment: computer (proficiency in Excel and Word software is essential), CD player, calculator, telephone, fax, copier, credit card terminal and related office machines.  

General Comments: This job requires self-motivation, exceptional communication and interpersonal skills, attention to detail, a spirit of cooperation, and a cool head.  The School Director must lead a team of professional faculty, oversee an administrative assistant, and collaborate with the Executive Director and other staff members.  Familiarity with the city of Trenton and its residents is strongly preferred.   

Hours: 16 hours a week.  3-9 pm Tuesdays; 8:30 am-3:30 pm Saturdays, plus 3 additional hours flexible time.   

Contact: Executive Director Marcia Wood,