The West Windsor Arts Council (WWAC) is hosting a month-long celebration, “Avenue of the Arts,” at MarketFair in West Windsor through the month of September, 2009. The event highlights the grand re-opening of the Michael Graves-redesigned shopping center, and is also a major fundraiser for the West Windsor Arts Council’s campaign to convert the Princeton Junction Firehouse to an arts center.
In addition to numerous events and opportunities at the MarketFair, the month will also feature an exhibit of visual arts hanging throughout MarketFair and a concurrent art exhibit at the West Windsor Library, as well as a patron’s party, featuring architect Michael Graves. Graves, the Princeton-based, world-respected architect (who was awarded the National Medal of Arts in 2001) will serve as the juror for the art exhibit, which will feature local and regional artists.
Artists are encouraged you to submit JPEGs (at 300 dpi on a CD) of up to two works in any medium. There is an entry fee of $5 per piece. Works on paper must be framed and ready to hang with picture wire – no frames with clips will be accepted. Sculptors of three-dimensional work must supply pedestal or easel. Work will be insured against damage and theft. CD, check made out to West Windsor Arts Council and attached form including two-sentence bio should be mailed to WWAC, PO Box 952, West Windsor, NJ.
DEADLINE: August 12 receipt by WWAC of CD, check, and completed submission form.
NOTIFICATION: August 26 (by email)
PICKUP OF UNSOLD WORK September 30 (WWLibrary), October 3 (MarketFair)
And, everyone, the WWAC asks that you please save these dates:
Sept. 12 – Ticketed Patron’s Party (all accepted artists will be invited as guests!)
Sept. 26 – Full Avenue of the Arts celebration day of music, food, shopping and art
For a copy of the application form or further information about the event or the West Windsor Arts Council, call 609-919-1982 or e-mail info@westwindsorarts.org
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