Thanks to both Ellen Hackl Fagan (whose incredible Reverse Color Organ installation in The Listening Eye exhibit wowed visitors here at The Gallery back in 2005) and Cindy Stockton Moore (Dangerous Women Two [DW2] participant and an amazing artist and instructor) who each have work in this weekend’s FIGMENT Festival. Their invitations reminded me that the 3rd annual version of this AMAZING event takes place this weekend, June 12-14th. Some of the installations will remain on view as 'City of Dreams', an interactive sculpture garden and the artstop Mini-Golf course through October 11, 2009.
The music/art/performance/installation/anything goes happening takes place across New York City’s historic Governor’s Island. The ferry to the island is free -- as are all of the events - which feature 400+ artists and include everything from performance art to mini-golf.
The music/art/performance/installation/anything goes happening takes place across New York City’s historic Governor’s Island. The ferry to the island is free -- as are all of the events - which feature 400+ artists and include everything from performance art to mini-golf.
Ellen's holding forth at location AW05 with her process art workshop, The Alphabet Game. Cindy and fellow DW2 artist Abby Goodman’s found-object sculpture Salvage will be on display in the City of Dreams sculpture garden through October. Cindy plans on being there on Friday. Cindy and Abby documented much of their process in creating Salvage, and you can check it out on Cindy’s site www.cindystocktonmoore.com/figment.html
For more information about FIGMENT - including a map of the events and installations – go to http://figmentnyc.org/2009/
For directions to the Manhattan or Brooklyn ferries going to Governor’s Island (and a schedule) go to: http://www.govisland.com/Visit_the_Island/directions.asp
For directions to the Manhattan or Brooklyn ferries going to Governor’s Island (and a schedule) go to: http://www.govisland.com/Visit_the_Island/directions.asp
Note: sketch of Slavage by Abby Goodman/Cindy Stockton Moore
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